Do I look for a new job?

Hey Reddit, it’s been rough. A few weeks ago my director brought in myself along with 2 others for job promotions since our company is growing. I’ve been handling my division for sometime, 4 years now, and I was excited to brace this opportunity as we’re interviewing more people and I was told I would have one of the new hires.

A week after, we had a meeting with my director’s boss about how the job is needing more people and I expressed that there are days where I put my heart and soul and it isn’t enough, and that we definitely need more time to finish projects before releasing out to the public, because then we have mistakes and the backlog is what is crushing us.

Anyways, fast forward to today and found out those 2 were promoted but one of them got both promotions, that being the division manager of what I’ve built for 4 years. I asked my director if it was because there isn’t anyone to put under me, and she said…but I knew there was something else. Her boss does not think I’m ready to manage and I can’t help but feel this was a punishment for expressing my thoughts and concerns. I had to call my husband to convince me not to quit just because we’re in this shitty country and a recession is on the horizon.

I just feel completely worthless now and my hard work was for nothing. My director is trying to make me feel better and keeps telling me I just need to shine again. AGAIN. 4 years. I’ve been handling basically 2 positions at once and this was the thanks I get.

But that begs the question, do I find a new job? I unfortunately work in housing and like I said, a recession is coming and my fear is getting hired then being the first to be laid off when a recession could hit. Do I stay and just keep going? I’m so lost and so disappointed in myself. I wish I kept my mouth shut.