My boyfriend struggles to get hard with me

Hello, I have had an ongoing issue with my boyfriend since the start of our relationship that he struggles to get hard when it’s time to get down. I’m very into my sexual energy and I personally find sexual compatibility just as important as emotional compatibility so I’m looking for some advice with that in mind. My boyfriend and I originally started as friends with benefits before we started actually dating but his problem was there from the first time. I was very emotionally attracted to him and became attached due to our similar humor and his caring nature which is why we ended up dating despite all of this. We were friends with benefits for maybe 5-6 months and got along well outside of the bedroom. The problem came in when we tried doing things for the first time that he could not get hard. He nor I had our own houses at the time so things were mostly public (at a mutual friends house, in a car, etc.) during all of those times he was gummy hard and really had to force things to get it to work, he even got his testosterone checked and everything came back normal. At first I thought it was because things were public and maybe that’s why it was an issue, then he got his own apartment and still struggled to get hard. In reality we only stayed friends with benefits for so long because we had mutual friends and no matter how many times I cut him off due to the sexual compatibility issues, we would see each other again because of our friends and he would creep his way back into my heart again. We had a conversation when we became more serious to really find out what it was because for me sexual compatibility can make or break a relationship, he admitted to me he didn’t have much experience and that could be why, he started getting better, it would only happen sometimes and others he would struggle at first and be hard and it was fine after that. When the issue continued where he was gummy and we really had to work to get him hard, I had another conversation trying to figure out what it was, by all means I would not say I’m ugly and I have a nice womanly build so maybe I thought he just wasn’t attracted to me, maybe he was seeing someone else and that was it, I would not say I’ve been around the block but I have experience and I’ve never seen this much struggle before. Shame on me I looked through his phone and found out he was watching porn, I know serious porn addiction can make men struggle to get hard without it, so I gently brought it up and he admitted to it. He said he would stop watching it but the issue persisted, I checked his phone again and he was still watching porn, so I confronted him again. He said he was having a hard time controlling himself and brought up blocking his phone from that content so that’s what we did. He got much better after that and it would only happen once and awhile. Then it got worse again, started thinking maybe it’s his diet, maybe he’s not consuming something he should, we talked about it again, he said he doesn’t really drink water so he started drinking water more and the issue became better again, only happening once and awhile. It’s started happening again where he’s good for a 1-2 times and then it happens again. It completely knocks me down, I know how I am when it happens, I get very irritable and it’s hard for him to talk to me because I get so irritable, it makes me feel ashamed and irritable and embarrassed and depressed, and I want nothing to do with him when it happens, I almost feel like I hate him. He is perfect in every other way and he’s someone I see a future with but with this issue and how I am with sexual compatibility I know I won’t be happy if it’s not resolved. With this issue going on for the 5-6 months of being friends with benefits on top of our now official 5th month of dating, that’s almost a year of dealing with this and I’m at a loss. I’m beside myself and I don’t know what to do, I don’t know if breaking up is the solution or maybe he’s still hiding something even thought I don’t feel like that’s his character, I’ve thought of everything, I’ve never had any sexual issues like this with any man before and I don’t know what to do. What would you do?