Family is mad I canceled my arranged marriage
My parents are mad at me for canceling my wedding plans with my ex-partner.
New update post:
For context, our marriage was arranged by our families, and we only had a month to get to know each other. At first, I was willing to go through with it, no matter what happened after, just to please my family. But even then, I knew I wasn’t attracted to him in the slightest. My family pressured me into the marriage mainly because his family is wealthy.
As time passed, I slowly realized I couldn’t see myself living that kind of life forever. Still, I was ready to commit if we both understood that we had no romantic feelings for each other and treated it as a practical arrangement rather than an emotional relationship. What I didn’t expect was that he would actually fall in love with me; or at least, that’s what he says. We had only known each other for a month, but he was already showering me with affection and attention, way more than I could ever give back. I was always indifferent and never initiated anything, and it became obvious that this was hurting him. He was constantly seeking validation to the point where he told me that if I couldn’t love him, I should say so and we should call off the wedding, because being with someone who loved him was important to him.
I asked my family for advice, and they all told me it was a good thing he was in love with me; that love can be forced over time and that I would eventually develop feelings for him. But no matter how much time I spent with him, I couldn’t appreciate him, let alone love him. His constant need for my approval and affection was suffocating, and the love bombing was more off-putting than anything else.
To try and make things work, I suggested we live together for a week to see how it went, and I asked him to tone down the affection because I couldn’t force myself to reciprocate at this stage. He agreed, and the week together seemed to go well, but after I left, my mom told me he had cried to her, asking for advice on how to make me love him and saying he missed me. That was when I realized I didn’t want to babysit him. As long as he couldn’t accept that I had no feelings for him, this was going to be painful for both of us.
But that’s not the worst part: my parents blamed me for rejecting his affection. According to them (and him), I made “absolutely no effort” to make the relationship work while he was putting in all the effort. Everyone sided with him. I was ungrateful, inconsiderate, and should be ashamed.
Yesterday, I finally decided to end things. I told him that if he wasn’t willing to date me for at least 4 more months to see if we were actually compatible, I didn’t want to marry him. Basically, I asked him to postpone the wedding and give things a real chance first. But, of course, he wasn’t okay with that. He said he didn’t want to waste his time and that if I didn’t love him now, there was no point in continuing.
Now, everyone is mad at me. They keep telling me I’ll never find another man like him(which is probably true), but even worse, my own parents are siding with him. They say I’ve ruined their relationship with his family, that he didn’t deserve this, and that any other girl would have immediately accepted him. They even said they don’t know why they got a daughter like me.
I do feel bad for him, but I’m also angry that no one is considering my feelings. I was willing to give the marriage a chance, but only if we actually got to know each other first. He was the one who wasn’t okay with that.
At this point, I don’t know what to do to make things better, because the only way to "fix" this is to completely disregard myself for the sake of everyone else’s happiness
Edit: Thank you all for your advice and understanding. I've read every comment, and it means a lot to know that at least some people understand my choice.
This whole situation has been really painful. My mother literally cried yesterday when I told them I was ending the relationship. Wedding preparations had already started, and money had been spent, so needless to say, they’re not taking it well. But the hardest part for me is knowing that my relationship with my parents might never be the same after this. If it comes to cutting ties, then so be it. I’m an adult, and they’re not responsible for me anymore.
They also blame me for not reciprocating his feelings, despite everything he did for me. I wish I could have fallen in love with him, but I don’t think it ever would have happened. In a way, I’m also doing this for him, he would have ended up miserable and resentful if we had gone through with it.
For now, I just want to focus on my life and my studies. My sisters are the only ones who actually listen to me, but unfortunately, there’s nothing they can do to change my parents minds.
I also come from a very religious household, and after everything that’s happened, my parents are convinced that karma will come after our family because of what I’ve done: breaking my promise to marry, hurting someone’s feelings, leading him on, being ungrateful, and so on.. I personally think I did nothing wrong… Maybe I should have rejected the arranged marriage proposal from the start, anyway I’m sorry for only doing it after things got serious
It honestly makes me sad that they truly believe this and are now worried about our future. I just hope it doesn’t end up causing them too much stress.