boyfriend buying onlyfans

I (24F) have been with my bf (27M) for a little over a year now. The other day we were talking about porn and he mentioned how he’s paid for other girls’ onlyfans in the past. This came up after I said that buying someone’s onlyfans is so weird and gross to me. He said that it only happened a couple of times and that he paid for it “in the moment” and used it once and then never again and that now his account is deleted. Idk how to feel, so I think getting others’ opinions would help. I don’t really consider watching porn cheating (?) because we both do it and we’ve also talked about inviting a third for sex so we’re both def at least open to the idea. I don’t think I’m insecure/threatened by the idea of him fucking someone else if I’m there (or even if I’m not) because sex for fun is different to me than sex with the person you love. I guess onlyfans just feels different because … that’s a specific girl you found and chose to PAY for. Especially when he talks about needing to be better with his money. It was only a couple times (i think 2 or 3 times since we’ve been together) and he openly admitted it without me asking but idk likeee it makes me feel like im not enough or something. Like I’ve never even had the thought of paying for porn??? He used the excuse of just being horny in the moment and really needing something to watch and I feel like that’s not a good enough reason honestly. Idk, I just feel icky. What would you do in this situation? Do you consider this cheating?