my partner walked out with no warning.

my boyfriend who has lived with me for a year just left his house key and a letter saying he didn’t want to be with me on the bed and took all his shit while i was at work today and gave me no explanation.

we’ve had absolutely no issues, had sex last night, told me he loved me this morning before work and last night before bed, recently asked me who of my friends i’d want at our wedding, we have a big trip planned for june, last night he was discussing moving countries together after our trip

Absolutely no indication or warning he just walked out, he didn’t tell his family either who he is extremely close with. how am I supposed to process this when the only answer I got from texting him was “i’m sorry i lost feelings a few weeks ago” I love him so fucking much im so worried he’s having a mental health crisis like this isn’t normal behaviour from him at all, Bipolar runs in his family and as far as I know he doesn’t have it but this seems very manic to me.

How do I process this?! I can’t seem to relax at all I just feel like I can’t breathe. Our room is empty and i’m all alone.

UPDATE: He called me tonight and was very cold and just kept apologising. I told him to stop speaking to me like this is a customer service call and actually talk to me, He said he didn’t plan this he just saw an opportunity and had to go cause he felt trapped and wants some time alone. I suggest he moves back to his mums, we have minimal contact and go on a date once a week to see if we can get this spark back, he originally said no and pushed the idea aside then after having a more vulnerable chat he goes Yeah i owe that to you, I think you’re right i think im willing to try.

he told me there’s still love there and he’s willing to give it a try but he believes he needs to be alone. He admitted he needs therapy too and I promised him i’d stay by his side until he figures things out. I don’t think he realised any of that was an option and took the immature road out and decided to run instead of communicating that he needed space and some professional help. He isn’t the best communicator with anybody, which is why no one knew this was happening. Both our families are heartbroken. He thought that i’d get angry and make it easier for him to walk away but now he’s realised i’m willing to hold his hand through this tough journey of therapy (hes always been quite against it)

his family are still in contact with me, still in shock and still keeping an eye on him for me. we’re catching up on Friday.