The man I was dating raped me
It was our third date and we were making out and i knew he wanted to have sex with me I told we couldn't do it without a condom and he gets condom puts it on starts making out again and right when he has penetrate he takes it off i notice that and tell him no he can't I told him 3or 4 times like a strong no don't do it he holds my hand cause i was pushing him says he really likes me and he'll pull out and goes raw it was my first time having sex and he knew it, it hurt like a little bitch and what hurts more is I really don't know what i should do cause its my mistake also that I was in a confined space with a man i barely knew but I felt like I could trust him, I was really confused and sad post this so I just couldn't control my tears he kept saying sorry but you saw that the condom was affecting my erection and it wont happen again.
What should I do i'm not able to talk to him the same way like it bothers me that he disrespected me but it's also too quick to call it quits.