Stuck in a limbo between youth and adulthood
Has anyone else been stuck(or is currently stuck) in the phase between youth and adulthood? This one happened to me(20) due to the pandemic lockdown. Before all of that happened, it felt like I was growing normally, developing at an ordinary pace. But then it all came to a halt when lockdown came. I suddenly felt like I stopped growing(not physically, but mentally). I can't wrap my finger around this feeling you know, I'm aware that it's already 2024 but I feel like a huge part of me is stuck on 2020. Even learning which seemed so easy then became hard now. It's like I'm still finding what I could've been in those 2-3 years of lost time, unable to move forward, someone who wants to grow but can't. It's like being stuck in a limbo between youth and adulthood. For those who experienced this and got through it, what did you do? How did you overcome it? Do you guys have any advice?