Does anyone know about your self harm scars
So first of all, I hope I'm not triggering anyone with this post, I just needed to share this with someone.
I (20,f) have self harm scars on my forearms. Most of it aren't visible just a few are. No one knows about these scars since I just wear long sleeves whenever possible. I just moved to go to university past fall, so it was quite easy to never have to wear short sleeves. However it's getting warmer and I'm not sure what I will do in summer, since a couple of them aren't covered well with make up. No one even knows that I am struggling or at least not how muc I am really struggling. I don't have anyone I can talk to. And I've tried therapy before and had bad experiences with it, so not trying again, it's not for me.
I just wonder how it is for you guys. Do people know about your scars?
I should probably add: mine are all fairly new, about a year, some half a year ago. Also not looking for advice to cover them or anything, I just want to know how you handle it