Absorbica is sh*t

5 years ago, I was on Epuris for 6 months. My skin purged for 2 weeks and then was basically clear by the end of month 1. I didn’t have any excess dryness either.

Fast forward to now, a bit of acne has come back over time and I wanted to go back on accutane. This time, they put my on Absorbica because it’s ‘new and improved’ compared to other older forms of accutane.

3 months into Absorbica, my lips were peeling off in sheets, bloody, cracked, and my whole body is dry. And the worst part— my acne has not changed or improved.

I had my doctor switch me back to Epuris and within one week, my skin was back to clear and acne-free.

Absorbica is shit bruh and if it’s not working for you, maybe just change to something else. I didn’t know an accutane could be so painful and so ineffective