AITA for using my sister’s makeup?
My sister Evie (18f) is quite honestly so beautiful. Unfortunately for me (16f), I got the short end of the stick and don't look good at all. Evie's well liked and popular, and has so many boys interested in her that it's not even funny. I really like using makeup because I can at least make myself look a little better than I do without, but obviously it's not going to make me pretty for the rest of my life.
I ran out of some of my makeup so I decided to borrow hers. She doesn't even need it to look beautiful so I thought she wouldn't mind. Unfortunately she walked in on me using it and got mad at me. She yelled at me and said I made it dirty and that she couldn't use it anymore because "you're not supposed to share makeup" and expected me to pay her back for everything. I said I shouldn't have to because she has the privilege of being beautiful without makeup and we argued over it.
My parents found out and made me pay her back, which sucks because they took it out of my savings for a couple plastic surgeries I want to get as an adult. I'm also not allowed to use makeup until they "decide I earned it again" so now it's like I'm being punished for not being pretty like her. AITA?