AITAH for setting boundaries for my husband's daughter?
My husband is 36 years old, I am 30. He has a 13 year old daughter from his first marriage, and frankly, she can't stand me. From the very first day she did everything to ruin our relationship: she told her father that I hate her (which is not true), was constantly rude, ignored me, and sometimes even deliberately lied to make us quarrel. I tried to be friends with her - bought gifts, invited to joint weekends, but all this only further irritated her. Recently she threw a scandal, saying that I should not be in their lives at all. I spoke to my husband and he said: “She's still a teenager, this will pass”.I got tired of the constant negativity and told my husband I wasn't going to try to build a relationship with her anymore if she didn't want it. I'm just going to keep my distance and not impose. Now he says I'm selfish and that as an adult I should be patient.
AITA for deciding to stop trying?