What tiny QoL changes would you like to see?

I remember when OSRS was first released. I can't prove it now, but I was one of the first ~100 that could use a msb and remember finding the #1 fletcher on the highscores to get one of his/her first produced.

Anywho... not too long after release Jagex didn't have a large dev team for OSRS and focused a period of time on smaller QoL updates to the game. I know they still do some of these QoL updates, but I think some of the really small and easy things have slipped through the cracks over the years.

I'll start with one that is super tiny but drives me up a wall.

I play a group ironman primarily, so we have a constant need for giant seaweed. When diving from the boat on fossil island it automatically turns your run off. You can turn it on while underwater, but you'll still be "walking". However, once you leave / teleport out, your walk/run state is stored and you'll be doing whatever you were doing underwater.

In short, I have to reactivate run every time for no apparent reason every time I dive underwater and I forget all the time. It'd be nice if I didn't have to, especially since having run on (no flippers) does nothing underwater anyways.

There are some other... ¿bugs? if you want to call them that with changing weights and stuff underwater, but it's not nearly as annoying as the run thing.

What tiny QoL things would you want changed?