Budget Vorkath Recommendations
Hi All,
Needing some gear recommendations, will be finishing DS2 tonight and wanting to farm Vorkath to get my bank up.
Will be getting Elite Void shortly, will have Dragon Crossbow, Assembler after quest, Bless D hide boots, no usefull off hand, no Archers ring.
I currently have a Webweaver and am considering selling for Archers Ring, and maybe a DFS if thats useful here?
Not sure if its a good idea to sell webweaver as revs are my money maker but i am done with getting PK'd.
Have 89 Range, 86 HP and 70 Pray, 78 def.
any suggestions on a route for gear i should take?
Is selling webweaver and getting rigour worth it - this will be about the entire expense of my webweaver.
thanks in advance!