Could someone explain Equilibrium to me?

TL;DR. I'm confident that Equilibrium is BIS for some kinds of account builds or playstyle preferences, I'm just not sure what. Any ideas?

Details. I get how the Equilibrium mechanic works for the most part, I'm just confused how it's supposed to be roughly as useful as Golden God or most of the (non-teleport) relics you can get with Reloaded. It affects every single xp drop, but the xp bonus doesn't get boosted by the leagues multiplier at all, even partially.

Like, Golden God is fantastic for magic, prayer, and gp. And magic helps in combat and some utility things, and prayer is helpful in the vast majority of combat, and gp can buy you lots of useful supplies. So it's directly amazing for magic and prayer, and indirectly helpful for lots of other skills.

Meanwhile, Reloaded can get you another t1 relic, which is great for one of these groups: (Mining, Smithing, Fletching, Crafting) or (Woodcutting, Firemaking, Fletching), and can have indirect benefits for other skills, gear, and accomplishments. Dodgy Deals is universally regarded as a good thing, Friendly Forager is universally regarded as also pretty good but second place, and Corner Cutter is almost entirely replaced by Dodgy Deals once you learn about the Fossil Island mermaid thieving/agility course.

So if I can get great support for Magic + Prayer + GP, or Mining + Etc., or Woodcutting + Etc., or Thieving + Agility + GP, or Herblore, (and I guess also Agility only, or Fishing + Cooking + Hunter if you didn't take Animal Wrangler at tier 1), what's a legitimately good reason I would want to take Equilibrium instead?

Theories. If people respond with interesting ideas or suggestions, I'll edit this post and add them here.

  • Lots of small XP drops quickly, like making shards into essence at GotR or anything with Production Master.
  • Activities that train lots of skills each drop, like Controlled style melee combat or Barbarian fishing.
  • You're Settled and you're fun to watch suffer.
  • Saves a lot of time in the long run if you're going for 50m XP in lots of skills.

Proposals. Put your amateur game designer thinking caps on. If people respond with interesting ideas or suggestions for how Equilibrium could have been done better, I'll edit this post and add them here.

  • Let the bonus XP be affected by your current Leagues XP modifier. If your modifier is 5x, then this boosted XP is also boosted by 5x. If Jagex's math says that's suddenly TOO overpowered, then maybe half the modifier of 2.5x.
  • In addition to whatever XP you're gaining with that action, it also gives this bonus to whatever your current lowest skill is. Like if my lowest skill is Runecrafting, then when I fletch a log into arrowshafts I get the bonus XP to both Fletching and Runecrafting.